I am an Independent Travel Director eager for the opportunity to be on your team of on-site travel staff on your future programs. I was referred to you by Jocelyn Desmond Els, however I would not be surprised if we had many mutual friends in the industry. I started my career as an Independent Travel Director, parlayed my experience into a full-time in-house position for one of my clients, took time off to raise my children, and now I am back on the road and loving every minute of it! I am professional, hard-working, and extremely versatile, which makes me an excellent addition to every program. Experienced in all areas of on-site logistics, I have worked as the Lead of entire programs being the only travel staff on site and huge programs where I am assigned to a specific area while working with a team. I am eager to prove how valuable I am on site. If given the chance, I will NOT disappoint, and you will be requesting me on ALL your programs!
Computer Skills
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Company Custom Data
Premium users get the ability to track their own custom data for TDs. Kick the tires for 30 days, no credit card required, and see what you can do with StaffReservations.
Staff Notes
Premium users can record notes on their experiences with staff, as well as event-specific notes. Take StaffReservations for a 30-day test drive, no credit card required, and checkout all you can do.