Yu Chia
With over 16 years of working experience in the MICE industry across Singapore and the Asia Pacific, I cultivated strong interpersonal and analytical skills, always aiming to exceed the expectations of clients. I consider myself as a meticulous and enthusiastic learner, continuously seeking opportunities to adapt and grow. I value teamwork and strive to contribute positively, maintaining a resilient attitude. My work experience further expanded in Human Resource (HR) matters during the global pandemic. I am now well-versed in HR Management and have great problem-solving skills. I approach each day with optimism and remain open to acquiring new knowledge and skills.
Computer Skills
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Company Custom Data
Premium users get the ability to track their own custom data for TDs. Kick the tires for 30 days, no credit card required, and see what you can do with StaffReservations.
Staff Notes
Premium users can record notes on their experiences with staff, as well as event-specific notes. Take StaffReservations for a 30-day test drive, no credit card required, and checkout all you can do.