Currently an independent contractor with a Travel Director background and Event Planner background. 25 years experience in the Hospitality Industry. Experience working with Fortune 500 companies, Financial, Oil & Gas, Textiles, Logistics, Pharmaceutical. I am open to working all aspects of a program. As an event planner, I feel that I understand the different components that staff are requested to work for a program and having been a TD at the beginning of my career, I feel that I have a good understanding of the different roles typically required and how to successfully fulfill the assigned responsibility.
Computer Skills
Upcoming Schedule
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Company Custom Data
Premium users get the ability to track their own custom data for TDs. Kick the tires for 30 days, no credit card required, and see what you can do with StaffReservations.
Staff Notes
Premium users can record notes on their experiences with staff, as well as event-specific notes. Take StaffReservations for a 30-day test drive, no credit card required, and checkout all you can do.