

Atwater, MN

Growing up on a small farm in central Minnesota in a different era I learned important lessons that have served me well throughout my life. Play fair, help whenever needed, share, watch out for your friends and coworkers and always share the credit. And in that regard, I subscribe to President Truman's statement that says, "It's amazing what can be accomplished when you do not care who gets the credit". I have been fortunate to work as a travel director for the past 17 years following years of working primarily in education as a teacher and Community Education Director. Both prepared me well for the various skills required to organize and manage events of various sizes. My experiences over the years have included both business-type meetings and also incentive trips. I have work with a wide range of clients including pharmaceuticals, automotive, technology, farm industries, financial, and healthcare. While I have lead or assisted in all on-site areas, my preferred roles are registration, meetings/general sessions, and signage/directional. I am just about the luckiest person I know to have worked in this industry for so many years and hope to continue gathering road friends and experiences in the future.


I'm fluent
I don't speak it
I don't speak it
I don't speak it
I don't speak it
(Not specified)
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Computer Skills

I know it inside and out
I know it inside and out
I'm an intermediate user
Basic A/V
I know the basics

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