

West Palm Beach, FL

My experience in travel originated with the airline industry. I retired after 33 years having worked many different departments which included General Reservations, Tour Desk, Agency Sales and Executive Accounts. I transferred from the Reservations Departments to Airport Staff where I started as a ticket agent and went on to the gate departure area where I became a Flight Manager dealing with all types of operational procedures. Upon retirement, I started working as a TD with many of the local DMCs in the Palm Beach area dealing with the inbound corporate incentive and business groups. Duties included transportation, hospitality, meetings, activities, dine-around and many other event and conference functions. I quite often work with the visiting VIP groups as well as the Board of Directors of several corporations. Upon many occasions I have escorted the VIP spouses on a variety of activities. As a member of the Cruise Line International Association (CLIA), I have knowledge of the cruise industry and its variety of ships and operations. Also, as a member of National Association of Career Travel Agents (NACTA) I have considerable knowledge of the travel industry in general and I am very well-traveled.


I'm fluent
I don't speak it
I don't speak it
I don't speak it
I don't speak it
(Not specified)
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Computer Skills

I'm an intermediate user
I'm an intermediate user
I don't use it
Basic A/V
I know the basics

Upcoming Schedule

No upcoming events... yet.

Company Custom Data

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Staff Notes

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