Having been in hospitality for my entire career, I am passionate about providing exceptional service. My background is in conference planning and in banquets with events ranging in size from 10 - 3000. Adding to a team of TD's in the any capacity that is of value to the client's experience is my goal. I come from the hotel side and look forward to the opportunity to put my experience to work helping to make memorable, efficient, budget-friendly events for your clients.
Computer Skills
Upcoming Schedule
No upcoming events... yet.
Company Custom Data
Premium users get the ability to track their own custom data for TDs. Kick the tires for 30 days, no credit card required, and see what you can do with StaffReservations.
Staff Notes
Premium users can record notes on their experiences with staff, as well as event-specific notes. Take StaffReservations for a 30-day test drive, no credit card required, and checkout all you can do.